
TheGregorianyear,whichisinuseinmostoftheworld,beginsonJanuary1andendsonDecember31.Ithasalengthof365daysinanordinaryyear,with ...,ph.曆年.Dr.eye譯典通.calendaryear.,[...]notlessthansixcalendarmonths'noticeinwritingtoexpireonoratanytimeaftertheendoftheinitialtwo-yearperiod.,5天前—ThemeaningofCALENDARYEARisaperiodofayearbeginningandendingwiththedatesthatareconventionallyacceptedasmarkingthe ...,A...

Calendar year

The Gregorian year, which is in use in most of the world, begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. It has a length of 365 days in an ordinary year, with ...

calendar year

ph. 曆年. Dr.eye 譯典通. calendar year.

calendar year - 英中

[...] not less than six calendar months' notice in writing to expire on or at any time after the end of the initial two-year period.

Calendar year Definition & Meaning

5 天前 — The meaning of CALENDAR YEAR is a period of a year beginning and ending with the dates that are conventionally accepted as marking the ...

CALENDAR YEAR definition and meaning

A calendar year is a period of twelve months from January 1 to December 31. Calendar year is often used in business to compare with the financial year.

CALENDAR YEAR in Traditional Chinese

At that point in time, the calendar year would be 139 days ahead of any observed solar event, such as the equinox. From the Cambridge ...

CALENDAR YEAR | English meaning

a period of 365 or 366 days, starting on January 1st and ending on December 31st. In the US a particular calendar year can be referred to as 'calendar 2011, ...

calendar year 的情境影片範例|VoiceTube 看影片學英語

A calendar year is made of three hundred and sixty five days -- a number that refuses to. 一個日曆年是由三百六十五天組成的,這個數字不可能是一個完整的數字。